04.04.10 for their sake i hope they boiled the eggs before they painted it. i remember one easter from my childhood where my sister took one egg from the ref, took out her watercolor and painted it. once she was complete, she gave it to our grandmother who cherished the easter egg and kept it in her room. :D
i'm a Software Engineer by day. in between binaries, programs and algorithms, i dream of travel and of seeing the world, one city at at time.
i try to tinker with photography, hoping to capture the moments as i see it.
i find solace gazing at a star-lit sky, watching the kaleidoscope of colors when the sun sets and walking barefoot in tropical paradise.
i am blessed and thankful to be surrounded with so much love from my family and friends, who are my invaluable gems.
above all, i draw my strength from God.
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