don't you love pleasant surprises? the type you don't expect nor wait for and it just pops out at your doorstep? mine literally arrived in my doorstep, a few days before valentine's day. like i said, i wasn't really expecting anything so imagine how happy, touched, ecstatic, giddy and giggly i felt when i got this package.
just when you thought you already know what's going to happen or not happen, or just when you though you know what someone could or not do, they surprise you.
needless to say, obviously, it made my day. my week, even. thanks, james. :D
wedding invitation ni tee? :D
sure aye oi. cute noh? hihi:D limot ko chika ang vday delivery akong gipamalihog nimo bah, abi daw ni james na wedding invite ninyo! :p
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