i’ve been toting this handbag lately.
one, because i’ve been too busy (but mostly lazy) to change bags to fit my mood and outfits.
two, because of it’s neutral color, i can get away with almost anything without clashing or anything.
three, because of the convenient side pocket where i can insert anything without unzipping the whole thing. (and anything it has been - i just found wads of paper, a lot of coins, receipts and bills tucked in there)
four, heavy shoulder bags tend to give me shoulder and/or back pain which doesn’t happen when i’m carrying a hand bag.
and lastly,
five, because i love carrying handbags.
handbags are easy to carry around when you’re shopping, out for a stroll, out doing errands or doing anything. handbags, if carried right, bring out a certain style - one of flair but at the same time, of comfort.
carry one as you wish - you can bring it using a hand, or both, or you can tuck it in you arm.
it can be casual, fashionable, or simple.
yeah so you :D fashionable, casual, simple =)
toinks... hehe. :) thanks ye
agree, neutral-colored bag is a must-have to fit any kind of ensemble on-the-go..
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