travelling and discovering places just gives the ultimate high! the feel of excitement gushes in as you think of a new place to conquer, a new culture to appreciate, unique cuisine to sample, different people to meet and greet, and places and tourist spots to visit.
from preparations to packing to having your travel documents stamped on, each little step brings you a little bit closer to your destination and you just can't wait to mark your step in that foreign land.
leaving the foreign land usually sends a mixture of raw emotions and one of them is taking a piece of the place with you to remember the trip by. photographs of the scenery and over-all experience is a must, definitely, but somehow, an ache for memorabilia always catches on.
some would go for tshirts, i know a few who'd go for keychains, others like my grandparents and parents (who are waaaaaaay well-travelled than i am) collect a little bit of everything from plates to spoons to miniature statues like tiny replicas of the Eiffel tower.
for me, i've been having this itch for magnets so i always make it a point to buy at least one at the country i visit to. as you can see, my collection has just started and i still lack one country's memoir (a China magnet for sale, anyone?). my humble collection of magnets don't even have a home yet (somehow i still lack the inspiration where to put them) but i'm hoping in time, my magnets would add up as i fulfill my dreams of jet-setting through the world.
as for now, i'll just close my eyes and make them come true.
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