Saturday, March 19, 2011

Project 2011: 23 - the past few days


... have been spent catching up, exploring, house-hunting and food-tripping! i could swear since J arrived my hyperacidity has magically cured!

these were taken at umisushi.ume BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Project 2011: 22 - la-la-love

while my mind and eyes were still booting this morning at work, i decided to take a quick shot of my accessory - my necklace!

vintage stuff, and accessories, i super-duper love! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Project 2011: 21 - oh my, doria!


welcome J! and now, first dinner date and lunch! time to start the foodtrip! :)
we had lunch at Aston's, and then dinner at Saizeriya. considering it was our first dates abroad (hihi), the restaurants did not disappoint. we got great food without even breaking our purses. :) this one's what I had for dinner - the seafood ala doria at Saizeriya. baked rice, cheese, a lil bit of cream, and seafood - melted and baked, heavenly! :)

Project 2011: 20 - if the shoe fits

maybe if cinderella lived on this age, instead of a glass slipper, she'd have a Ferragamo? :P
not as huge as this one, i hope!

and oh speaking of shoes (not cinderella) - i need to buy shoes! :)

shot taken at the Marina Bay Sands.

Project 2011: 19 - in my room

one lazy weekend. spent at home with a dose of music and a stash of series. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project 2011: 18 - dilemma, dilemma


i have been looking for a wallet for like forever. 
i looked high and low and still, i seem to have not found it yet.
on this night however, before meeting some friends for dinner, i decided to pass by Charles and Keith's store.
lo and behold, it was love at first sight! i knew this was it.

now the new dilemma... 
pink or gray? :)

Project 2011: 17 - ready to go :)


the napkins and utensils are there. 

now i'm waiting on my pizza and calamari and then it'd be munching time! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Project 2011: 16 - all the pretty little things


i fell in love at first sight. both at this pretty little necklace and this skirt!
and now, time to plan out outfits! :D

Project 2011: 15 - shop til you drop!


jen and i went out to do some retail therapy today.
and boy, in the end, was i super drained! :)

Project 2011: 14 - valentines day

i started out valentines day thinking it was but an ordinary day.
it had been my third consecutive valentine's day on a foreign country and my third consecutive one apart from J. (on a sidenote, valentines day abroad is not really that much of a fuss as it is in the PI.)

anyhow, i didn't come out empty-handed that day. one of the guys from the office, literally gave ALL the ladies chocolates and a flower on that day! sweet, right?

Project 2011: 13 - hello, hello.


introducing, my phonepal and texmate.

Project 2011: 12 - i see the moon


i see the moon and the moon sees me.

Project 2011: 11 - healthy?


been wanting to eat healthily - so salad it is! then i thought, i wanted something on it. but then again, i ran out of fruit! so introducing my healthy salad, with a mix of unhealthy bacon! :)

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