Thursday, March 25, 2010

Project 2010: 53 - my old team

there used to be 6 of us, then there were 4. (see left pic). and now they're 6 + me! (see right pic)
it's a whole brand of goofiness with these guys. :>
and though i may not share the same cube with them anymore, our friendship's here to stay.

it is one of those days that i miss my old cube and my old team. *sigh*

Project 2010: 52 - date



i would have loved strolls by the beach with the sea breeze on my face and water touching my bare toes.

i would have loved the feel of sand as i step on it, or pick it up and teasingly throw a handful at my companion.

or just sit by the beach,lounging and enjoying each other's company.

but not today, at least not yet anyway. :D note to self: a sunlit date overlooking the beach, exactly as this photo suggests! :D

Project 2010: 51 - sisterly love

03.14.10it was a bright, sunny day. a perfect day at the beach!
and what perfect timing to goof around with the sibs by the shore and on the camera! :D

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Project 2010 : 50 - through the years

03.03.10a photo with r, a close friend whose friendship with me dates way, way back :D

Project 2010 : 49 - etching names in the sand

our writings in the sand may be washed away by the waves.

but our deepest feelings and memories?
will always be etched in our hearts :>

thanks f for this shot.

Project 2010 : 48 - antiques


it was family night. and our first time to dine at one of the outdoor restaurants facing the sea.

the place was quaint, it was situated at the back of the Dauis church. it was like coming into a marbled, antique house to dine. and then you'll be brought outside, with candles surrounding the pathway to a table under a lanterned acacia tree, overlooking the sea.

you will be serenaded with a live band as well. it was indeed one romantic place. :)

on your way out, you'll notice this nook with crafts and antiques for sale.

Project 2010 : 47 - of buttons


i just had to laugh when i saw the label.

bet you already know what's inside.

Project 2010 : 46 - green thumb


In our family, no one's good at gardening and plants but mama.

she has this knack of pulling out plants in people's houses and planting them in our garden.
she enjoys this very much - spending hours tending to her plants, doing landscaping work, never mind the scorching heat and the dirt.

it's her gift, actually.
unfortunately, none of us took after her. but who knows.. maybe someday? :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Project 2010: 45 - frustrated photographer

03.07.10shot taken by dee.

i dunno if i'll ever be a good photographer, i'm still learning the ropes.
i feel like a newbie in a sea of experts.
but i'll try.

if all else fails, i can always be in front of the cam.
always a model at heart? :P

Project 2010: 44 - blue

after i got my first ever perfume, i said to myself - i'm going to collect perfume bottles.

i don't have much by the way, but it's a start :D

and just an afterthought and idea, if you're planning on collecting - it would've been better and way cuter for you to collect the small bottles. just my two cents.

Project 2010: 43 - candles and sweets


more than my love for celebrations, of candles and sweets is my knack for surprises.
so imagine how excited and how i jumped in to the plan when friends4keeps planned to give J an early birthday "surprise" treat.

a few close calls later, it actually happened. and i sort of got away with it. phew. and boy, it was a blast! thanks guys! :>

Monday, March 15, 2010

Project 2010 : 42 - jetlag


it took me a while to recover from the change in time zones, so in the most unusual times, this fixture above has been the constant thing i'm facing.

that, by the way, if you haven't figured out yet, is the top bunk of the bed.

Project 2010 : 41 - welcome back!


i have never been so happier to go back to life as i know it. just when i thought the surprises were over, i was suprised with yet another one :>

Project 2010 : 40 - the last night


this had been my longest trip away from home. quite understandably, i've never been so excited to go back.

tita malou and her family took me out to a nice italian restaurant near the hamburg area the night before my flight.

i was excited to finally get together with them, and to go back home that i hurriedly brought my camera with me. before that, i was so amazed with the battery not dying on me even if i took it out the weekend before.

my steak arrived and i had to take a shot. click. then the battery died.

after charging my batt, i found this single photo. the only photo i had of that memorable night.

p.s. i should stop taking pictures of food. haha.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Project 2010 : 39 - color color


this sight so reminds me of ensaymadas in bakeries way back home.
it tugged a wave of nostalgia and homesickness, yet again.

Project 2010 : 38 - hola, mexico!

courtesy of one of the guys in the office, we discovered this authentic mexican place just a few blocks from the office. it's a hidden secret, well sort of.

i had quesadillas and had a drop of authentic mexican coke with real sugar.

the only bad thing i can say about this experience? i can't finish up a plate! :>

Project 2010 : 37 - my fortune says


i cracked my fortune and it said: "luck is coming your way."

honestly? i know and feel that i am very lucky. and blessed. and if "coming your way" means more of it, then bring it on! :>

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Project 2010 : 36 - sinfully yours


an array of sweet little things @ a starbucks store.

Project 2010: 35 - a quick peek


it's always a mystery on what's behind closed doors and locked gates.
this one may be locked and closed for the time-being, but a quick peek reveals what's inside.

Project 2010 : 34 - seasons

spring. summer. fall.

where's winter, though?

Project 2010 : 33 - how do you make a million?


if you collect a million pennies, how big of a space would that take?

@ the Pink Museum, Memphis, TN.

Project 2010 : 32 - at night


while touring nashville, we passed by this fountain. it was beautiful with all the water-works and all on a sunny day.

come night time, the view was different. different, but still, beautiful.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Project 2010 : 31 - i still remember

"Stately as princes the swans glide under the willows.
Are they enchanted men soon to be free again here, under the willows?
Oh, how I'd like to be there when a fairy wand touches the leader and changes his looks. Will he be handsome and brave as the heros I find hidden in my storybooks?"

This was the only piano piece I learned as a child that I never forgot.

Project 2010 : 30 - lines in the sky


if thoughts and dreams would be painted as white lines in the sky, imagine how messed up the clear blue skies would be by now.
just a thought. :D

but for me, i'd like to think this line was mine.

my dreams, my fervent hopes, and prayers.
whispered in the wind, taken to the skies...

Project 2010 : 29 - if it's any consolation


Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
i may have missed reading the book and have definitely missed the movie,
but I was there where one of the scenes was shot! :D

The Parthenon, Nashville, TN.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Project 2010 : 28 - consortium of sorts

reminds me of conversations. laughter. banter. enjoying each other's company.
over cups of coffee.

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