Thursday, January 28, 2010

Project 2010: 6 - snowflakes

for some reasons i can't explain, it reminds me of icicles. :)
before the flakes melted, captured a close-up view of snowflakes with the barren tree as a backdrop.

Project 2010: 5 - note to self


reminder to never, ever forget your badge and your keycard each time you head out.

or else!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Project 2010: 4 - snowfight!!!


snow, snow, my first ever snow! boy, was i uber happy about it!

it felt like i was witnessing something magical for the first time.

i just couldn't resist curling it into a ball. i didn' throw it at anyone, though. but, that gives me a naughty little idea next time. *evil grin*

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Project 2010 : 3 - like a scene out of a movie


a kaleidoscope of colors at Detroit, Michigan's airport.

a beautiful symphony of lights.

it must be a sign. this trip will be fun. i know it. :D

Project 2010: 2 - B1 and B2

i use to find couples wearing identical shirts a little too much. :> but almost a year back, i just can't stop myself with buying us with two pairs! even so, i couldn't still bring myself to wear the shirts together with him.

now i've finally mustered it. and oh, it's cute! :)

Project 2010: 1 - cube nostalgia


i'll be moving to another cube soon. and as i enjoy my last days in the cube i've felt so at home with, i wistfully (and unconsciously) survey my cube and snapped photos.

here's a shot of the nook i can't live without - why? the essentials are practically there. the phone, the mouse and the water! oh well, i can always bring these to the new cube, but then, it won't be exactly the same.

another year, another chance

so i failed with completing 365 last year.

first, because i started late, around april. then, i ran out of creativity to think of what to take a picture of. then i thought of selling my ever-reliable pink cam. then when i changed my mind, the memory card broke down.


but now, it's another year. another chance to continue what i started last year.

watch out, project 365 (2010) is coming your way!
(i'm secretly crossing my fingers that i will have enough drive, creativity and motivation to take make a habit of taking a number pictures a week. so help me.)

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