Monday, November 22, 2010

Project 2010: 159 - food trip!


i need to stop eating! :) the servings here are humongous! come weekends, it's time for foodtrip! like this day... it was desserts galore!

i was still drained from the excursion at the zoo, plus i had to get my papers done at the embassy. to reward myself, i got a froyo cup with mangoes on top! :) afterwhich, we had dinner at Mang Kiko's (a pinoy food place), watched Harry Potter 7, and had desserts afterwards!

sinfully sweet!!!

Project 2010: 158 - photogenic


this bird, was one photogenic bird. it walked, waded into water and climbed at the edge to pose for us!!! seriously. it didn't budge for a few seconds.

maybe being at the zoo teaches one a few tricks? including posing and modelling? :P

Project 2010: 157 - all smiles


it was one rainy afternoon. and we were off to the zoo. there was lots of walking around, animals to see, and shows to catch!

but rain or shine, nothing could ever dampen our spirits!

*shot taken by John.

Project 2010: 156 - oh christmas tree!

i can say it over and over again...
my favorite season is just around the block!
hurrah to that! :D

Project 2010: 155 - vroom!


being a girl, i'm not really a car enthusiast. i could barely drive, even! :P but this one, has got to be an exception.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project 2010: 154 - for the love of art

taken at marina bay sands one lazy and spontaneous afternoon. after looking at the view from the bayside, we roamed around the mall and lucky us - there was an art exhibit!

Project 2010: 153 - amazing


being new in a foreign place, i am always, with a child-like feel and awe of the world, amazed at the new sights and places i see.

this one's outside esplanade, just facing the famous "merlion" and fullerton hotel. i loved the lights, and i instantly regretted not bringing my camera that day. good thing, kenneth took a shot of this using his phone. oh well, there's always a next time to lug around my camera and do some serious photography!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Project 2010: 152 - christmas


... is just around the block!

i definitely have lots to look forward to this christmas! can't wait! :D

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Project 2010: 151 - new friends


being in a new environment held an opportunity to meet new people and bond with old friends.

on a walk by the orchard, i met yet another one ....
... iron man!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Project 2010: 150 - wedding #3


weddings make me happy. there's just something about that fascination for seeing the bride walk down the aisle and as an observer, look at the happy couple as they start their ever after. it just tickles your inner romantic. and of course, it's a great time to gather up the family and friends as they give their well wishes to the couple.
so arvin and kimmy, here's us giving our all out support and congratulations to the both of you! more years and wedding anniversaries to come! :)

Project 2010: 149 - sail on


reminds me of a boat ready to embark on its journey.
sail on! :)

Project 2010: 148 - life's a beach


i look wistfully at the picture and i remember vividly that day. it seems so far away now, and it has been just a week! it was bittersweet, my last day of vacation with the family. boo. :|

the scene caught my eye - a lady looking out at the horizon, a couple enjoying the sun, a friend taking their photo, a little girl making her castle. and there i was on the background, looking and an observer, an outsider zooming in their lives.

it reminds me how small the world is. and no matter what, at the end of the day, we are just neighbors on our walk in this life. on this earth.

Project 2010: 147 - of firsts

first dinner with J's family without him. it was his brother's pre-birthday at Casa Verde. met someone for the first time too. ;)

and the dessert was a first too... it was so yummy, too bad i forgot what it was! i hope the next time i'd go there they have pictures on the menu so i'll just point and say "this one!". on second thought, i'll just have this pic for reference. whichever works! :p

Project 2010: 146 - it's never a bore


stranded at the airport. just my luck.
good thing, i wasn't alone. it's never a bore to have someone to spend and pass the time with you. :)

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