Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Project 2010: 104 - one big appetite


would you believe we only had this for snacks?
what have we gotten ourselves into?!
oh well, it was worth every bite :D

Project 2010: 103 - milk and coffee

featuring our drinks for the day - SBC's chai milk latte and coffee jelly.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Project 2010: 102 - xOxO


james, tee, chy, mika (and part of dee)
ala gossip girls. ;D
shot taken by nyster.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Project 2010: 101 - put it into words


as L's last day looms near, each of us took shots of ourselves with our note/message as we send her away.

here's mine

i will certainly miss you, L.

Project 2010: 100 - self portrait


while waiting for J to pick me up on the way to the office, thought of doing a series of self-portraits to pass time.

perfect timing to show off my new curls!

eek, korean horror! :>

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Project 2010: 99 - identical rings

featuring tee's and marge's name rings, and fingers.
bon voyage and God bless you, marge!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Project 2010: 98 - the skies

Looking up I saw nothing
But blue in the bluest sky...
- Gin Blossoms, Competition Smile

Project 2010: 97 - purple

these jellyfishes welcomed us at our third island hopping stop.
translucent and purple. with a neon-ish glow.

Project 2010: 96 - of youth

it's an irony how when we're still young
we cannot wait to grow up,
and when we've grown up, all we wanted was
to stop time and be a little kid again.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Project 2010: 95 - of hearts

06.03.10"i can never see how you could ever be anything but mine." ♥

Project 2010: 94 - over dessert

girl bonding. over waffles and cheesecake. yum!

Project 2010: 93 - pillow talk


i'm a pillow person. even at work i can't function without hugging one or having one sitting idly in my lap. i used to have just one, now there's two of them, one for the back, the other's for the lap! :)
i know i'm too old, but it feels good to have a security blanket, err, pillow at hand.

Project 2010: 92 - lovin' the colors


it's the last days of summer. but my feet says otherwise. :P

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